Upcoming Events
In and Around Naples, FL

March 14, 2020 @ 2pm

Phillip Hockley, a Christian Science public speaker, is coming to Naples to share his talk, “A new view of God and its effect on well-being.” It will be given at the church, 649 Central Ave.

Phillip Hockley is a practitioner of Christian Science healing and an international speaker. He will share how he was healed of an injury causing permanent disability during a Christian Science Lecture that he attended. “During that lecture,” he says, “I found something that was indeed life-transforming. Christian Science gave me a new view of God that I’d not had before: a view of God as Love itself, divine Love that loved me fully. I also discovered that this loving God was not the source of my troubles, (which were many) but the solution to them. My life began to improve quickly and I became a healthy man.”


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